Saturday, May 1, 2010

Engaging Learners with New Strategies and Tools

Each of the theorist have great ideals and examples of how learning takes place and how the process overlaps one another. The idea behind curators and content curation is that there is such a flood of new content pouring through the Internet pipes these days that being aware of all of it and sorting it out in meaningful ways is simply not possible. Curators are people or organizations that do the hard work of sifting through the content within a particular topic area or “meme” and pulling out the things that seem to make most sense. This effort involves significantly more than finding and regurgitating links, though (Cobb 2009).

The Conceptualization entails identifying feedback loops that are hypothesized to underlie observed patterns of system behavior. Model formulation is the process of moving from a theory of underlying structure to a fully specified learning model so that the theory can be tested ( Sterman & Morrison 2003) .

The Implementation is where the ideal can be implemented and validated. If necessary the situation can be readdressed and tried again. In this portion all the ideal, data and test are proven. Implantation is the most frightening section because no one wants to fail. The Experimentation phase is the trial and error portion. Here each student is allowed to try their ideal, talk amongst peers and weigh the results. And if it fail, then they have to reassess and try again until they achieve the expected results.

I like Siemens model because it has taken the basic learning behaviors and divided them into sub section. For example the Conceptualization portion. In this section the students is allowed to express their ideal, interact with other students, and draw from their own knowledge which can add to the learning experience. Out of all the models, the Siemens to me seem to be the best fit for online learning, creative thinking and student interaction. The purpose of education is to broaden ones academic base, broaden their horizon, and cultivate relationships among students.


Cobb ,Jeff (2009) Who are your curators? Retrieved April 30, 2010 from

Sterman John ,& Morrison, Brad (2003) Problem Definition and Model Conceptualization

Post to students blogs

Karen Wondwegem

Laurie Korte

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